No matter how much you may enjoy your work, sometimes it’s just stressful underneath the surface. One option for relieving a little stress from your day that works for us are relaxing background sounds. Here are some options to explore. (more)
When you create a DEVONthink database, you need to save it to a specific location. In principle, there are many options here. Some are good, some others rather not. Here are the advocated options and things you need to know. (more)
Joe Kissel from Take Control Books revised the ebook Take Control of Your Paperless Office to reflect today’s hardware and software landscape. This includes, e.g., current scanner models and, of course, our applications DEVONthink 3 and DEVONthink To Go 3. (more)
When working in DEVONthink, you almost certainly end up with several windows open at once, and even on larger screens you can easily lose track of them. Fortunately, there are some tricks on how to get an overview of your windows and how to find lost ones. (more)
When it comes to PDF documents, what you see and what is actually there can be two different things. Just because you can read words in the document doesn’t mean it is searchable. Or perhaps you have a searchable PDF but it’s still not found in a search in DEVONthink. Here are a few ways to deal with such PDFs. (more)
Whether due to a physical infirmity or just a product of getting older, viewing things on screen can become more difficult. Changing the interface isn’t something that’s simply done and everyone has their own level of correction needed. Here are a few ways to make things a bit easier on your eyes. (more)
We know our applications don’t exist in isolation on your Mac. While you can view or edit many file types in DEVONthink, there are times you want to open them in other applications. This is especially easy with the free utility CustomShortcuts. Here is how that works. (more)
Quality assurance is a top priority in the development of our applications. Nevertheless, misbehavior can sometimes occur, leading to an application crashing or stalling. To investigate and fix the issue, we need a report with some information about it. Here’s how you can support us with that. (more)
There are many times we have to deal with documents that aren’t in our native language and in those cases, a translator becomes invaluable. For this, Apple provides a built-in translation you may not know or think about sometimes. Here is a short introduction. (more)
As people trial DEVONthink, they occasionally ask, “Why don’t I just use the Finder?” or “Isn’t DEVONthink just a Finder replacement?” While both are legitimate questions, the Finder is still central to your Mac. Here’s a brief comparison of some of their features. (more)
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