OS X Yosemite, the newest incarnation of your Mac’s operating system, is about to be released. Version 2.8 prepares all editions of DEVONthink as well as DEVONnote for it with user interface adjustments and compatibility fixes. DEVONthink 2.8 also comes with a brand new sharing extension. It allows you to clip text and web addresses from other Mac apps with a single click in case you like this better than using drag-and-drop. (more)
Sometimes you are working along in DEVONthink and realize you want to check out something in the same group, or maybe a group in the same hierarchy. Command-click the name in the title bar of a document window to show a dropdown of the hierarchy the file resides in. Clicking one of the locations will open it in a new window leaving your current window open behind it. (more)
The built-in spell checker in OS X is quite handy and available from within all Mac apps including DEVONthink. But there are many times when it thinks you’ve misspelled something when you know you haven’t. And while it may be nothing but a cosmetic annoyance to see the dashed red line under a word, you may want to teach the spell checker a thing or two. (more)
Getting your articles from Instapaper to DEVONthink automatically isn’t straightforward, unfortunately. Power user and former DEVONtechnologies crew member Annard Brouwer has written a great little script that takes a CSV file exported from Instapaper, converts it using Numbers, and imports the cleaned up result to DEVONthink Pro or Pro Office. (more)
DEVONthink power user Veritrope has created two new scripts that creates a list of all the pages currently open in tabs in Safari or Chrome. So with a single click you have saved all your tabs in a single HTML document in DEVONthink Pro (Office) and you can re-visit the pages later at any time. Download the Safari script and the Chrome script from his homepage. Veritrope has many more scripts and tips for dealing with browser tabs.
Some of you have expressed the desire for a hotkey to show or hide the DEVONthink Sorter. Instead of waiting for us to implement yet another hotkey, you can easily do it yourself.
Now you can start and stop the Sorter as your leisure. Note that you can use this to start and stop e.g. the Web Sharing server in DEVONthink Pro Office, too. Also, note that this method can be used in applications other than ours. You just need a menu item that toggles between two states. (more)
DEVONthink is the document and information manager for the Mac. Version 2.7.7 recognizes Apple’s new and shiny Swift source code files, retains more metadata than before when you export documents, and prefills the Save panel with tags for you. Many more small interface improvements make using the app easier. (more)
One of the most overlooked menus in any application is the Help menu. Not only is it the best place to start looking for, well… help, but here’s a way to use it you might not have thought of. (more)
Knowledge becomes more useful by sharing. DEVONnote and DEVONthink 2.7.6 make sharing your collected wisdom easier. Create a customized table of content for exporting your documents as a website or let DEVONthink make one up for you. Share documents by email easier than ever. (more)
DEVONthink Pro Office power user Luc Beaulieu has created a few standard templates for some key academic activities: Research grants, research contracts, general research projects, new students, new manuscripts, and conferences. And this is how Luc’s workflow looks like: … (more)
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