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14. Januar 2020

Aktionen vs. Referenzen

In Folge 12 ihres Podcasts Nested Folders diskutieren Rosemary Orchard und Scott Jackson den Unterschied zwischen Aktionen und Referenzmaterial und wie man mit beiden sinnvoller Weise umgeht. Rose erläutert, wie sie DEVONthink verwendet, um ihre Materialien zu verwalten. (mehr)

17. Dezember 2019

MojMac über DEVONthink 🇵🇱

Das polnische Mac-Magazin MojMac bespricht in seiner aktuellen Ausgabe DEVONthink 3 in einem Artikel, der gleichermaßen schön zu lesen wie anzusehen ist. Verpassen Sie nicht Ausgabe 9/2019, wenn Sie Polnisch verstehen. (mehr)

12. Juli 2019

Danke für die netten Worte

Nach dem lang erwarteten Start von DEVONthink 3 als öffentliche Beta haben wir sehr viel Feedback erhalten. Und wir sind wirklich erleichtert, dass die überwiegende Mehrheit der E-Mails, Tweets und Forenbeiträge die neue Generation unseres Flaggschiff-Produkts mit positiven Worten bedenkt. (mehr)

4. Oktober 2018

How Professionals Use Our Software to be Productive

Kirby Ferguson

From time to time I post some links to articles out there that give an idea on how other people use our software. DEVONthink and DEVONagent are part of what makes them productive at their Macs, iPads, and iPhones. (mehr)

26. Juli 2018

Our Software in Blogs and Podcasts

In the last few weeks our software was mentioned in blogs and podcasts a few times. Whether you’re reading German, are a lawyer, or you’re just interested in all things iOS you might find these interesting: … (mehr)

5. April 2018

AppStories Goes Serious about DEVONthink

In their latest episode of their excellent podcast AppStories Federico Viticci and John Voorhees discuss DEVONthink for Mac and iOS at length.

They explain what they use our software for in their daily life, how they structured their databases, and which platform they personally prefer. Federico and John also talk about their clipping workflows and how they automate them using URL commands and Apple’s Workflow app. (mehr)

13. März 2018

Federico and Eric Talk About iOS, the Mac, and More

In his most recent exclusive Club MacStories newsletter Federico Viticci chatted with me about the tech industry, the difference between Mac and iOS apps, and how DEVONtechnologies approaches the problem of the data flood. We also talked about iOS 11 productivity features, Project Marzipan, and about using iOS in light aircraft cockpits. (mehr)

11. Januar 2018

DEVONthink To Go in Macdrifter's Top 5 of 2017

Gabe Weatherhead of Macdrifter lists DEVONthink To Go in his Top 5 of iOS apps of 2017:

While syncing data may no longer be a problem for me, finding it can be. DEVONthink To Go (DTTG) has really solved this problem for me and it’s one of my most used apps on my iOS devices. The fast search, tagging, capture, and iCloud integration really make it indispensable to me. (mehr)

27. Dezember 2017

DEVONthink To Go Reviewed and Listed

From time to time our products are mentioned in the media. Here are two articles this December that I found especially worth sharing with you:

At The Appadamic Jai Bentley-Payne reviews DEVONthink To Go in-depth from an academic viewpoint. Jai uses the iPad professionally in his academic work, and our applications have become key elements in his workflow. In his article he asks: “Is DEVONthink To Go worth buying if you are an iOS only user?” … (mehr)

27. Oktober 2017

Mac Geek Gab Mentions DEVONthink and Other Needful Things

Our friends at MacObserver mentioned DEVONthink, EasyFind, and more again in their excellent Mac Geek Gab podcast, episode 679:

Quick Tips, Cool Stuff Found, High Sierra, and KRACK are the topics today, but that means you’re in for a real treat. The goal is for everyone to learn at least four (4!) new things, but today you’re guaranteed to learn a whole lot more. (mehr)