This Tuesday, Jan 12, 2010, Haiti, one of the poorest countries in the world, was struck by a catastrophic-scale earthquake. The International Red Cross reports that as many as 3 million people are affected by the quake; tens of thousands of people have been killed, likely up to 100,000 or more. (mehr)
While many people, especially in Germany, are complaining at the moment about everything becoming worse, this perception is distorted. Yes, some managers sack thousands of people only to drive their company’s shareholder value into even higher heights. The German health care system reform is a mess. And unemployment is dropping very slowly. But, from a meta perspective, this is clearly “Lamenting at the Top Level.” For people in many other regions of this World, our wealth and our high standard of living is beyond imagination. (mehr)
Just in case that you haven’t subscribed to our news RSS feed: We have just released DEVONthink Professional 1.2 and DEVONagent 2.0.2 with a few new features, an updated, faster kernel, and some bug fixes. (mehr)
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