DEVONagent 3 introduced a menu added to the right-hand side of the menu bar. Using this menu extra you can run quick searches directly from within any other app on your Mac and view the results right there in the menu, just like when using Spotlight. (mehr)
In his blog William J. Turkel writes about using ‘bots’ or ‘spiders’ to do the heavy-duty task of web searching for you:
Once you start collecting large numbers of digital sources by searching for them or using an information trapping strategy, you will find that you are often in the position of wanting to download a lot of files from a given site. Obviously you can click on the links one at a time to make local copies, but that loses one of the main advantages of working with computers–letting them do your work for you. […] In addition to writing my own spiders, I’ve used a number of these packages. Here I will describe DevonAgent. (mehr)
When browsing the web with DEVONagent try the See Also button (looks like the stovepipe hats that magicians use to conjure rabbits) on the right-hand side of the browser window’s toolbar. It opens a sidebar that shows related documents from DEVONagent’s own archive from open DEVONthink Pro (Office) databases, and from the web. (mehr)
Do you also use the Google search field in Safari just because it is there, but you know that you would have better used DEVONagent? No more. DEVONagent 3.0 public beta 3 adds a menu extra to the right-hand side of the menu bar with a Spotlight-like menu that lets you (re-)search the Web from anywhere on your Mac. Click (or press the hotkey), enter your search term, and press Return. All results appear directly in the menu and you can open them in your web browser (or DEVONagent) with another click .You will love it!
We’re working with high-class artificial intelligence (AI) technology now for quite a while and still it sometimes manages to surprise us with exciting results. In our recent tests with DEVONagent it came up with the following really cool topic map: … (mehr)
In the last two weeks we have installed a brand new customer database server and updated all self-service forms in our support area. Everything from trial extensions to upgrade requests is connect live to the database now — no more waiting for email. (mehr)
One of the new features introduced with DEVONagent 3 is the ability to not only search HTML pages and news feeds but also PDF, PostScript, OpenOffice, Oracle Open Office, and Microsoft Word documents. To make DEVONagent search also these other document types, expand the search window, switch to the Settings tab, and select the file types you want to search in the Files area. Then run your search. PDF and other documents show a little file type icon in the Results list. (mehr)
Right before Christmas we have uncovered an agent that worked (and has been worked on) in the underground for quite a while: DEVONagent 3.0. We have released the fully reworked version as a first public beta — with not as many more betas to come as for DEVONthink. Read more on the news page as well as on the DEVONagent 3.0 highlights page.
DEVONagent is not a simple interface on top of Google. It does much more for you, e.g. post-processing of all results to refine the result list with our unique artificial intelligence (AI). One feature easily overlooked are scanners. (mehr)
DEVONthink and DEVONagent are highly scriptable. Using AppleScript you can integrate them tightly into your workflow, automate tasks, or extend our applications with new functionality. AppleScript as a scripting language is not only powerful but also relatively easy to learn. Our power user Veritrope has published a series of excellent articles on his blog. Check them out. (mehr)
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