David Sparks and Katie Floyd invited Stuart Ingram to their popular Mac Power Users podcast and discuss his approach to DEVONthink. You know Stuart from his excellent series A User’s Journey into DEVONthink here in this blog. Stuart addresses David’s concerns about ‘everything buckets’ and lays out how he uses DEVONthink Pro Office and why. It’s just 80 minutes and you won’t want to miss it. (mehr)
DEVONthink To Go 2.0.7 has passed Apple’s review just in time for the Christmas break. The new version adds support for 3D Touch and page links for PDFs. Version 2.0.7 also presents the results of an in-PDF search nicer and handles global searches for words containing non-alphanumeric characters better. Audio continues to play when you switch to another app. Finally, the app icon badge now shows only the number of unread items in the global inbox. (mehr)
The following are some thoughts on what I think could be added to or improved in DEVONthink Pro Office (DTPO) or DEVONthink To Go (DTTG2). From this series of blog posts you will have guessed that I am a big fan of this software. It has genuinely made life so much easier for me (especially academically) and even after a good few months of daily use, some of the features I come across still surprise and delight with their simplicity and logical manner! Still, anyone using a piece of software to this extent will occasionally think ‘I wish it did this’ or ‘wouldn’t it be good if’, so here is my collection of those moments. (mehr)
In this post I want to detail some of the ideas I’ve only touched on previously, and show how these have really changed my workflows. So far my posts have been quite general, and some further detail in areas may be beneficial. The main things I want to talk about are the DEVONthink Pro Office (DTPO) artifical intelligence (AI) and using DTPO as a basic wiki/outliner for larger projects. (mehr)
I wanted to make this post very much an ‘examples of use’ text rather than just listing the features in the app or talking about the sync — again there is a comprehensive manual and many associated articles that do that. I also wanted to preface it with the fact that for me, the main usage for the app is capturing information whilst away from my Mac, and recalling pieces of information that just won’t wait. (mehr)
If you want to synchronize your DEVONthink databases flexibly and securely via an internet-based service such as Dropbox, Box, CloudMe, or just any WebDAV server, we’ve just added a new tutorial for you. (mehr)
DEVONthink To Go 2.0.6 is waiting for Apple’s App Store review with improvements and many important bug fixes. This maintenance release saves changes to documents every 60 seconds. It also saves them every time you leave the app, e.g., for an incoming call. (mehr)
DEVONthink 2.9.6, which we have just released, brings another bunch of workarounds for issues related to macOS Sierra’s broken PDF engine and scanner support. Both DEVONthink and DEVONnote also add new conditions to smart groups and honor metadata provided by ELO Office. The sharing extension for DEVONthink supports images, e.g., from web browsers, and uses less energy. (mehr)
Michael Malzahn has updated his German-language ebook DEVONthink — Das Arbeitsbuch with changes for DEVONthink 2.9, DEVONthink To Go 2.0, and the new sync that links the two. If you purchased the ebook on or after July 1st, 2016, you can get the new version for free. Contact the author with your purchase receipt. (mehr)
As with most major operating system releases, macOS Sierra and iOS 10 bring not only new features but also many under-the-hood changes. We have just released updates for all editions of DEVONthink as well as for DEVONnote and DEVONthink To Go. (mehr)
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