When it comes to network safety, many corporations and individuals turn to firewalls and network monitoring applications to control what’s happening. This can keep intrusions at bay, or at least make the life of a potential intruder a bit more difficult. However, these methods can also cause DEVONthink’s synchronization engine to seemingly fail, especially with Bonjour connections. (mehr)
In the last few years we used Google Analytics on our website. It helps us to learn more about our visitors, which pages they look at, and where they come from. But, being a Google product, Analytics also comes with many privacy concerns. Starting today we’ve removed all Analytics code from our website and replaced it with Matomo. (mehr)
We like the Internet and especially its openness. The latter, however, means also that everything that travels through it can be intercepted, stored, and analyzed. And we don’t like to be watched. We clearly support an open Internet free of mass surveillance. (mehr)
Dealing with privacy issues becomes more and more part of our daily lives the more web sites and businesses collect our personal information. We respect your privacy and handle the information you give to us with care. Please feel free to check our privacy policy directly on our web site.
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