Do you use Safari or Firefox to access your DEVONthink Pro Office databases through the built-in web server? Would you like to get a more ‘native application’ feeling? Fluid is a Mac application that creates site-specific browsers, basically special web browsers that are hard-wired to an entered address. For example the address of your shared DEVONthink Pro Office. Open this mini application and it will show a single, simple window for DEVONthink’s web interface that looks nearly like a true Mac application. (mehr)
If you are using Instapaper to keep articles for offline reading you may like the ‘Add to Instapaper’ script for DEVONthink Pro, written by one of our power users. Click here to read about it in our user forum. Thank you, bartekb81.
DEVONthink offers the possibility to save any file from any application directly to the global inbox. No more saving to the desktop and importing later.
First make sure that this function is enabled. Choose DEVONthink > Install Add-Ons, check Global Inbox in Save Dialogs and click Install. This inserts a shortcut to the global inbox into the Finder’s sidebar. To save a document to DEVONthink now, look for the ‘Inbox’ item in the sidebar of the save dialog and select it as the location of choice. This even works when DEVONthink is not open, the document will be imported when you open the application the next time. (mehr)
While our beta testers are dissecting the current beta 2, I’d like to share some more information about the upcoming new version. This week: The new file formats that you can work with in DEVONthink 2.0. (mehr)
With Bookends 9.2 it’s now possible to create links from DEVONthink to an entry in Bookends. Simply drag an ID number of a reference into a rich text document. This creates a special URL that opens the corresponding Bookends reference when clicked. In addition, you can drag the ID into DEVONthink’s groups and documents list which the creates a link document for the reference. DEVONthink Pro Office 1.3.1, DEVONthink Pro 1.3.1, and DEVONthink Personal 1.9.9 add special support for this and name the link document automatically.
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