Just after we updated DEVONthink for OS X El Capitan, here are now the maintenance updates for DEVONagent and DEVONsphere Express. They improve the compatibility to Apple’s latest and greatest operating system for the Mac. (mehr)
You’re doing a job that needs a lot of digging around, and you are building up research, you are building up data about a topic. You’re doing a job where a simple search is not enough: you need to analyze the results you get. — DevonAgentPro analyzes.” … (mehr)
Stack Overflow and GitHub are the places to be for developers on the web. DEVONagent 3.9.1 adds plugins for both and finds code and answers with precision. And if you’re less interested in developing and more in cooking — and who doesn’t like great food? — there’s a brand new recipe scanner. Get code snippets and top secret guacamole recipes delivered straight to the search window. You don’t even have to visit the web pages. (mehr)
We have just updated all editions of DEVONagent. With version 3.9 we introduce a new Inspectors pane unifying several other panes. It gives you access to page properties, objects retrieved by scanners, and related pages. Properties include the author’s name, the page description, keywords, and more. (mehr)
Today we have posted DEVONthink and DEVONnote 2.8.3 to our website and to the App Store. The improved classification algorithm in version 2.8.3 improves the accuracy of all AI-based functionality: See also, classify, concordance, automatic grouping, and summarizing. Working with documents can hardly be easier. (mehr)
Privacy matters, even if there are some large companies seeing things differently. DuckDuckGo is a search engine that claims that it doesn’t track its users and respects their privacy. And it delivers good search results, too. Reason enough for us to support it natively in all editions of DEVONagent 3.8.3. (mehr)
OS X Yosemite is peeking around the corner. Today we’ve released updates for DEVONagent Pro through Lite that get them ready for Apple’s newest iteration of its Mac operating system. In addition version 3.8.2 searches Baidu, the #1 search engine in China, and the Pro edition lets you easily share web content. Scanners in version 3.8.2 are more accurate and the new version better filters links to social media, e.g. retweets. (mehr)
DEVONagent Pro is your personal assistant for pro-grade search and research on the Internet. While it uses public search engines it refines the results using its built-in artificial intelligence. It them presents them in innovative ways. (mehr)
Markdown has become a popular way for adding simple formatting to text without relying on platform-specific file formats. DEVONthink already supported plain Markdown. Starting with version 2.7.5 it now renders MultiMarkdown, too. For DEVONagent 3.8 we have updated almost all plugins and made many of them language-aware. But that not all, of course. We’ve cleaned up menus in all apps for more clarity, improved their reliability, and fixed a few bugs. (mehr)
Social media becomes more and more important also for serious research. If it’s important someone probably tweeted about it somewhere. Today we’ve released DEVONagent Pro 3.7 that not only searches Twitter but also scans found pages for links containing Twitter IDs and reports them. It was never easier to find people on Twitter to follow for relevant news! In addition we’re updated (depending on the edition) more plugins, search sets, and scanners, improved the improved visual appearance, and fixed bugs. (mehr)
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