DEVONthink and DEVONagent are extremely feature-rich and deep applications, harder to master than, say, a simple to-do list app. But they come with an extensive documentation and many slideshow and video tutorials for many everyday tasks from ‘How to set up a first database’ to ‘How to use DEVONthink in a team’. We explain, e.g., the various options for sharing your knowledge, show you the pros and cons of importing vs. indexing, and give valuable tips. (mehr)
Right before Thanksgiving, the official start of the holiday season in the States, we have put together a big bag of updates for almost all their apps. From DEVONthink to DEVONthink To Go, DEVONnote and DEVONagent, there are new convenient features as well as reliability and performance improvements. All eight updates fix minor bugs and glitches on the go, too. (mehr)
With todays update to version 3.5.2 we finally welcome DEVONagent Pro to the brave new world of sandboxing, now the prerequisite for distribution through the App Store. The update also cleans up some aspects of the user interface by hiding rarely used or unavailable options, and improves compatibility to some websites. The Download Manager adds the URL of downloaded items to their Finder/Spotlight metadata. (mehr)
Since the very first telephone companies and there is an ongoing struggle between advocates (and adversaries) of open vs. closed systems. Today is the time of the closed systems.
The Apple II was wide open and while the first Mac hardware was the exact opposite you could still do whatever your wanted in software. Even if there were no official hooks for this and that, as long as you knew how to access something there was no one holding you back. (mehr)
Today we have released maintenance updates for DEVONthink, DEVONnote, DEVONagent, and DEVONsphere Express. The updates add a few new features such as automatic updating of thumbnails of formatted notes and web archives for DEVONthink or support for WordPerfect files for DEVONagent. We have also improved the overall performance of all apps and, of course, fixed the bugs you have notified us of. (mehr)
April 11 we updated DEVONthink and DEVONnote, this week it’s time for DEVONagent, DEVONsphere Express, EasyFind, PhotoStickies and XMenu. Enjoy new automation options in DEVONagent, search FoldingText files with DEVONsphere, and share files directly from EasyFind. (mehr)
Now that we’ve published a large number of screencasts about DEVONthink we have caught up with DEVONagent Pro. In the Support Assistant (choose Help > Tutorials inside the application) you’ll find seven new screencasts showing you how to search effectively with DEVONagent, explaining what search sets, Boolean operators, and wildcards are, and how you can work with the found results. Finally we demonstrate how you can easily automate your research with scheduled search sets. No more excuses for not using DEVONagent for serious searching!
Just in case you didn’t know: DEVONagent Pro searches the Internet with full control and powerful options. Version 3.4 brings new options for following promising links and an exciting new way to create your own site-specific searches without writing XML plugins. And, of course, the release updates a number of pre-fab search sets, plugins, and scanners, improves the performance and fixes bugs.
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