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Artikel mit dem Tag devonthink to go

9. Februar 2015

DEVONthink To Go 1.5.5 with Bug Fixes

Today our update to DEVONthink To Go 1.5.5 became available in the App Store. The new version fixes e.g. crashes connected to broken databases on the Mac or to exporting data to the iTunes document folders (emergency export). For example databases without a valid UUID (universally unique identifier) could crash DEVONthink To Go. Update your copy from within the App Store app on your device or through iTunes. (mehr)

18. Dezember 2014

DEVONthink To Go 1.5.4 Fixes Crashes

Today Apple finally released DEVONthink To Go 1.5.4 to the App Store. The maintenance update fixes a few nasty crashes related to the action extension as well as crashes on iOS 5.1.1. We have also corrected a 64-bit-related issue that led to garbled text in rich text documents with accented characters. (mehr)

25. November 2014

iOS 8 Extension and More: DEVONthink To Go 1.5.3

DEVONthink To Go 1.4.3, which passed Apple’s review a couple of weeks ago, was the first shot at fixing issues with rendering rich text documents on iOS 8. Unfortunately it didn’t fix all these issues. Today Apple released our update to version 1.5.3 which now again shows also RTFD documents and fixes a number of issues introduced in versions 1.5 through 1.5.2. (mehr)

20. Oktober 2014

DEVONthink To Go 1.5 Hits the App Store — and Crashes

This weekend Apple finally released DEVONthink To Go 1.5 to the App Store. Among many little changes the new version comes with a brand new iOS 8 extension for clipping data from many other apps. Unfortunately a bug crept into the code with a last-minute change that crashes the app after adding data to the database from e.g. the Clip to DEVONthink extension. (mehr)

30. Oktober 2013

DEVONthink To Go 1.4.1 Fixes a Frequent Crash

Last night Apple has sent DEVONthink To Go 1.4.1 through their review and to the App Store. This maintenance update fixes a crash introduced with the previous version which was caused by the reworks necessary for supporting the new CPU architectures of recent iPhones and iPads. Use the App Store app on your device to get the free update.

24. Oktober 2013

DEVONthink 2.7.1 Fixes Sorter and DEVONthink To Go Sync Bug

Last week we released DEVONthink and DEVONnote 2.7 with exciting new features such as encrypted synchronization. Unfortunately the update also “featured” two hindering issues: When the Sorter starts after logging in, e.g. after a system restart, DEVONthink itself opens in addition to the Sorter. And if your Mac runs OS X 10.6.x or 10.7.x, DEVONthink is no longer visible to DEVONthink To Go on your Wi-Fi network. (mehr)

24. Oktober 2013

DEVONthink To Go 1.4 Supports iOS 7

Today Apple has approved our maintenance update for DEVONthink To Go. Version 1.4 updates the app to the modern iOS 7 interface while keeping it backward-compatible to iOS 5 and 6 at the same time. It also fixes a number of issues on iOS 7 as well as synchronization problems with the Mac. Fixed are, among others, a crash related to the rich text editor, Numbers documents no longer being displayed, name changes not being synced back to the Mac, crashes related to deleting items on the Mac, and issues with deleting databases. (mehr)

19. Oktober 2013

DEVONthink Launching at Login, iOS Sync Broken on OS X 10.6/7

The recent update of DEVONthink to version 2.7 unfortunately brought not only many improvements but also two cumbersome bugs: When the Sorter starts after logging in, e.g. after a system restart, DEVONthink itself opens instead of the Sorter. And if your Mac runs OS X 10.6.x or 10.7.x, DEVONthink is no longer visible to DEVONthink To Go on your Wi-Fi network. Sorry for these inconveniences. Expect a bugfix release shortly.