I n our user forum, via Twitter, and by email quite a few of you are asking us about the future of DEVONthink To Go, the iOS companion to DEVONthink for Mac. I already mentioned that we’re working on a new release and so I want to give you an update on our progress. (mehr)
While we are fully engaged in re-writing DEVONthink To Go from scratch and incorporate our new sync technology we have today submitted a bug fix release version 1 to Apple. The update adds support for the iPhone 5 screen size and fixes a few crashes and sync problems. It will become available via the App Store’s update facility as soon as it has passed Apple’s review.
If you have many apps installed on your iPhone or iPad that can handle the same file types, e.g. PDFs, it can happen that one or the other does not longer appear in the Open In menu that allows you to send files from one app to another. In iOS 5 the limit seems to be ten apps. So if you want to send a file to, e.g., DEVONthink To Go and you don’t see it listed it may be that you simply have too many apps on your device that can open this file type. (mehr)
While DEVONthink To Go is already on the OP table, prepared for the forthcoming transition to the new sync technology, we have just pushed a minor update to version 1.2.5 to Apple for review. The update brings updated graphics for the iPad 3 Retina display, continues to record voice notes when the device is locked, and fixes a number of bugs. (mehr)
Cool tip from one of our users: the US $1.99 app TurboScan turns your iPhone into a mobile scanner. Using the Open in… mechanism you can even send the created PDFs to DEVONthink To Go.
It’s update season here at DEVONtechnologies — and you shouldn’t miss it! We have added new functionality and eye candy, made all apps faster and more reliable, and, of course, fixed dozens of bugs and glitches. And we have added a brand new freeware app: Grid!
While we are working hard on behind-the-scene changes for a totally new sync technology that will soon do away with the current problems we have released two other new features this weekend for DEVONthink To Go: a brand new PDF viewer and a new rich text editor that allows you to use formatted text on your iPad or iPhone. This makes it now possible to view even very large PDF documents including scans on your device without making the app quit due to memory limitations and to edit formatted text, something iOS does not yet offer itself like OS X does. Of course, DEVONthink To Go 1.2.1 fixes a large number of bugs, too, and is fully compatible to iOS 5.
As promised two days ago: We have more news this week. Today is the end of the DEVONacademy as we knew it. We have updated all tutorials, collected new scripts, templates, and plugins, moved all tips from my blog to a database, and integrated everything into an easy-to-use assistant that is now part of DEVONthink and DEVONnote, and soon also of DEVONagent. (mehr)
In the recent one and a half months Jon, our new iOS developer, has worked himself through the code of DEVONthink To Go and fixed a number of nasty bugs making both the application and the sync more robust. In the coming months he will also replace the current sync code with a totally rewritten library (that e.g. will support MobileMe and Dropbox) as well as introduce new features such as file renaming, deleting, and moving on the device, better PDF support, and more. (mehr)
Updates! We cannot get enough of them. And so we created a whole bunch of updates for you: DEVONthink, DEVONnote, DEVONthink To Go, EasyFind, and XMenu — with cool new features and tons of bug fixes. Especially when you’re using DEVONthink To Go you will like what we have submitted to Apple today. It’s not only much more robust, it also comes with voice and video notes now.
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