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Artikel mit dem Tag macos

11. August 2015

Annotate Screen Captures in DEVONthink

Have you ever used those fancy screen capture applications that allow you to annotate on a screen capture? When you take screenshots as PDFs you can easily annotate them in DEVONthink:

Now when you make your screen capture, you will end up with a PDF. Select the PDF in DEVONthink and add notes, arrows, even links. (mehr)

2. Dezember 2014

Let DEVONthink Learn More File Formats

DEVONthink supports already a multitude of file formats from plain text to Markdown and PDF. For everything else it uses the available Spotlight metadata importers to extract text for its full-text index. Quick Look helps it to display a file’s contents on the screen. The true beauty of Spotlight and Quick Look lies in their plugin architecture. If there’s a plugin for a file format the system can search and preview it. And so can also DEVONthink. (mehr)

23. September 2014

Train Your Spell Checker

The built-in spell checker in OS X is quite handy and available from within all Mac apps including DEVONthink. But there are many times when it thinks you’ve misspelled something when you know you haven’t. And while it may be nothing but a cosmetic annoyance to see the dashed red line under a word, you may want to teach the spell checker a thing or two. (mehr)

3. Juni 2014

A Little More 'Helpful' Help Menu

One of the most overlooked menus in any application is the Help menu. Not only is it the best place to start looking for, well… help, but here’s a way to use it you might not have thought of. (mehr)

29. April 2014

Manage Your E-Books in DEVONthink

Out-of-the-box DEVONthink displays and searches many file formats including PDF or Office documents. For files it doesn’t understand it uses Quick Look and Spotlight to make their proprietary content usable. With these two free plugins you can add the .epub file format to your system. As soon as you’ve installed the plugins, DEVONthink shows at least book covers, finds books by their content, and converts them to plain text. (mehr)

30. April 2013

Send Screenshots Directly to Your Inbox

If you make screenshots and find yourself dragging them to DEVONthink Pro or ProOffice every time, here’s a shortcut for you: You can change the Finder’s location for screenshots to any folder you like. Change this to the Inbox folder and the picture is imported immediately or at least as soon as DEVONthink Pro (Office) is being opened. (mehr)

18. August 2009

Use the Services Menu

The Services menu is one of the most underestimated features of Mac OS X. It provides useful commands that work from within almost any application on the Mac without hacking them (unlike, say, contextual menu items which run inside another application’s memory space and so can crash it). Both DEVONthink and DEVONagent provide useful commands which allow, e.g., to quickly clip selected text to your database, summarize text, or run a web search. In addition we provide useful Services menu plugins as freeware.